This is an enlightening documentary!
24 December 2007
The bottom line is that this documentary ironically leaves me feeling inspired to keep trying! As an aspiring screenwriter, I'm encouraged to hear everyone interviewed talk about how important STORY is. This agrees with what I've learned from my mentor, Richard Walter, UCLA.

Story is the main thing. Without a good story, there is no possibility of a good movie.

I enjoyed the campy moments and the unexpected funny moments in this documentary.

There are some terrific interviews! I love that the more the documentary explored the possibility that there could be a scientific approach to making a hit movie, it always uncovered the hard fact: it is a crap shoot. Predicting what people will relate to is not a science. It's a moving target.

This documentary is a good reminder to filmmakers that there is no formula. Stay open to the possibility of a fresh idea.
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