Beginning of what should have been a great career
21 December 2007
While the plot is old hash today( most notably Blazing Saddles) it was OK in l940. I am still haunted by the tragic later life of Don Barry. He was really talented and lifted this Saturday western serial genre to another level, although the supporting cast of Republic regulars were top notch thespians. As always, the sound track music(OL Sussana) was superior to anything Hollywood had to offer, and for me, added greatly to the action. I though Barry handled certain scenes as well as James Cagney in The Oklahoma Kid( avenging a father's death down to the last man) Although he had reached the age of 70, Barry was still trying to salvage his image when he shot himself in the presence of police apparently following a domestic quarrel. The great Burt Lancaster, it seems, had been trying to help him. Considering that for twenty nine westerns he was paid between one and two hundred thousand dollars by Republic and had many many parts into the TV era, we ordinary folk must wonder what these people do with their money. But the magic of today's technology enables us to see them at their very best, thank heaven.
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