The Tarzan Syndrome
17 December 2007
Juan Carlos Fresnadillo is a hack. He's another one of those mediocre, jerky camera directors who hasn't a clue how to tell a story or create tension. Worst of all he is an over-user of what I call the Tarzan Syndrome (Based on Tarzan, the Ape Man, 198) which means you don't actually see any action, just lots of fast-paced shots adding up to nothing. This boring film was really like a hour-plus Windex commercial. Every other scene had somebody putting their fingers, bloody or not, on glass. I am sure Juan has some kind of explanation for this silly device, but it got boring really fast. So did all the gore scenes, which were, in essence, identical in pace.Films like this are only fun as a game. How many scenes can you predict before they even happen? Despite the praise of some misguided critics, 28 Days was a terrible film and this is an unwatchable sequel. I won't reveal the ending, because I can't. I got through half of this film when I decided it wasn't worth my — or anyone else's — time.
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