Inside the Volcano (2006 TV Movie)
How Disappointing.
8 December 2007
While informative, this documentary is more a reenactment of historical volcano eruptions with a prolific use of computer graphics, condescending narrative, and over-simplification of easy-to-grasp concepts with an almost alarmist flavor.

For whatever reason, I have always enjoyed a great fascination with the world's volcanoes. I have studied Strombolli, Pompeii, Vesuvius, Herculanium, Hawaii, Yellowstone, and Mt. St. Helens prolifically over the years, reading and viewing all that I could.

This documentary somehow managed to make a life-time interest seem boring! I found myself wishing to change the channel half way through the broadcast. I managed to control that urge; however, hoping it would improve as the show wore on, but unfortunately, I must report that it did not. While it was informative, this was about as dry as chewing a piece of cardboard.

How disappointing.

It rates a 4.6/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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