Busy Buddies (1956)
Tom & Jerry: Smack In The Middle Of The '50s
3 December 2007
Boy, you know you are in the mid 1950s just watching the first 20 seconds of this cartoon. First, you see the artwork, then the Cinemascope widescreen, then the clothes on the parents and teenage baby-sitter and then - wham - the baby-sitter rushes to the phone and lies upside with her feet propped up on a chair yakking away.

While the teen girl does what she does best - talk on the telephone (has anything changed, except it's now a cellphone?), Tom and Jerry use the opportunity to raid the kitchen and gulp down all the food they can. Some of those scenes are good, such as Jerry's method of eating two cookies at once, and Tom's watermelon-eating typewriter-like system.

Meanwhile, who's watching the constantly crawling baby? Well.....mostly Tom and Jerry.

This cartoon reminded me of the John Hughes 1994 film "Baby's Day Out" in which a baby crawls all over New York City, pursued by a couple of inept crooks. In this cartoon, it's the same except it's all inside a house. The baby even crawls through stove pipes. At least Tom and Jerry were on the same page in this one, which was unusual.
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