Bukowski, as he was
2 December 2007
If you're a Bukowski fan, you'll love this documentary about his life and works. Interviews with his friends, lovers, patrons and publishers make up a good part of the film, interspersed with footage of Bukowski being himself around the house and during poetry readings.

The big mystery to me is how he attracted all those women; we're not talking skid-row winos here, Bukowski kept company with some good looking girls and seemed to take them for granted. What's up with that? He wasn't nice to them, didn't use them as muses, certainly didn't take them places or buy them things, and I doubt anyone would describe him as an Adonis. There must have been something...

In any case, he appears on film here exactly as he came through in his written work, there are no disappointments. From watching him drive to the racetrack to arguing with his wife, this is essential stuff for Bukowski fans.
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