Review of Awake

Awake (2007)
One Of The Better Movies Of 2007!
30 November 2007
I knew i was going to like this the moment i read the plot in 2005, then i had even higher hopes when i saw the trailer. Then comes opening day and i read the reviews....only 1 positive, i was like uh oh, i just wasted about 2 years waiting for this 'crappy' movie. Thank god, i didn't listen to the critics, this movie was honestly AMAZING! Not ONE single boring part, a few funny parts, that actually made me laugh. A lot of blood, that actually made me turn away. A few twists, that actually shocked me. And an ending, that was actually good. Bottom Line, a movie that was actually AMAZING!!! This movie BETTER make money, i just wish everyone would give it a chance, it was actually really good, and i know a lot of other people loved it too, as much as me!!! Jessica, Hayden, Terrance and Lena were UNBELIAVABLY AMAZING! Great acting, great story, great suspense = AMWESOME MOVIE! I recommend this to everyone!! Go see this with a crowd, my audience was so funny, especially when the twists were revealed, everyone's jaw dropped, and to my surprise, there were over 220 people in the theater, very unusual, but thats a good thing. Everyone really liked it!! They were talking about it after the movie ended, saying how it was really good and stuff, there was also a small and quick standing ovation...which was really cool, never saw that before.

Just really go see the movie, and make up your mind if YOU like if or not. Just because i loved it, dosen't mean YOU will. Just because the critics hated it, dosen't mean YOU will either.

So just go see it for yourself.
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