Memorable frog prince
26 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this film as a child. Even today I remember the song that Sweetums sang when they wanted him to go to sleep "Sweetums lay your lovely head...".

I believe it was a well made and funny (also for parents) telling of The Frog Prince.

Kermit the Frog has a nephew named Robin who plays a Prince who has been turned into (of all things!) a frog. He sings a great song called "Sir Robin, the brave". The songs in this movie are excellent and 30+ years after seeing this film, I still recall most of them.

The frog prince has to help a princess (Princess Melora) who has been enchanted and can only speak in spoonerisms (ie the first letters of her words are mixed up)". A crucial instruction she has for breaking the spell is that someone must "Bake the hall in the candle of her brain" which translates as "Break the ball in the handle of her cane".

A great film suitable for children over 5 and their parents (and for those of us who remember!).
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