The "Mexican Spitfire" Films: A Great Series of RKO Comedies
23 November 2007
Lupe Velez. Remember that name. Lupe Velez, the Mexican Spitfire. In a series of extremely funny comedies for RKO she played the title character, Carmelita Lindsay. Wife of Dennis Lindsay, a Caucasian, the films were practically a reverse "I Love Lucy" over a decade ahead of time. Lupe Velez was a vivacious, energetic, beautiful AND funny comedienne. I'd even go so far as to say that her of portrayal of Carmelita Lindsay was a blueprint for Lucielle Ball's Lucy Ricardo. Lupe even had her own humorous way of crying, much as Lucy did. She was also forever getting herself into silly situation after situation and hair brained scheme after hair brained scheme. While she was always married to the same man, (played by different actors) the other constant of the series was character actor Leon Errol as Uncle Matt. Together, Lupe Velez and Leon Errol made a great comedy team! A BIG THANKS to TCM for airing every one of these films back to back. Every time I think that the Hollywood well has run dry of anything I haven't seen that I'd like to, TCM finds something else worthy of attention. I hope TCM runs them again soon so I can see the ones I missed. Solid, funny, well done movies all! The only sad thing connected with them is the fact that Lupe Velez died a suicide in her mid-thirties. If only she had known how much laughter and enjoyment she would have certainly brought to future audiences, perhaps she would had she lived through her depression. If you really love funny films from the 1930s and 40s, these are your kinds of films! Certifiable reasons why it was known as The Golden Age of Hollywood.
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