Hundreds of repeats later........
23 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Futurama fans are finally delivered the package we've been waiting for. Holy zombie testicles has it been one helluva wait. From buying the volumes on DVD, to watching the repeats shown on Adult Swim, we've finally got some more Fry, some more Zoidberg, some more Professor Farnsworth, and oh yeah, even some more Zap. Futurama fans rejoice and be happy that Futurama is going to be back on the air, but the celebration begins with their first direct-to-DVD movie Bender's Big Score. And I tell you what, it was most definitely a score.

This is easily the most in depth Futurama story to date. You've got time-traveling duplicates running all over the place. One coming, the other going, one staying and another just hanging around with his butt hanging out. To summarize the story in a short and sweet way, Nude Alien Scammers (think internet scams) are taking over our Futurama world one by one, and guess where it begins, yep, with our pals from Planet Express. That is the main story, but you also have side-stories with Leela's new love, Hermes' lack of a body and a few others. All in all, this is one jam-packed story that should please all fans. One thing I'm sure some Futurama fans will argue about is the slight change to the theme song. It's almost the exact same, but now with a more "hip", electronic sounding addition. I don't mind it at all, but I do prefer the classic theme song....which plays at the end of the movie.

Speaking of pleasing all fans, you have almost every character you've met in the Futurama Universe saying Hi. Another reviewer said that none are introduced just for the sake of being introduced....now, that's a die-hard speaking right there. It's quite obvious they've set up minor side missions just so they could include many characters. They've got the Devil and his lil devil robots playing music for only one scene and have screen time for about 3 seconds. Besides this point, you do have almost every character you'd want to see. Though I didn't see my beautiful gigantic Amazon women! Though I'm sure they'll be back.

Bender's Big Score was a very entertaining movie. It was pretty much nonstop Futurama silliness from the get go. You have the touching moments as well, but the jokes are the ones that run the show. Unfortunately, and I say this tentatively, I really didn't laugh out loud that much. At 98 minutes I was expecting to be laughing at least every couple minutes or so. Not the case here, more like a once every 10 or so. But I'm me and you're you, so you may laugh all the time, but I found the jokes, a little too "familiar" most of the time. Example, Bender will talk about himself and say something like this, "Sure it's not a big deal for that guy. Wait I am that guy. Me, Bender." But sometimes that old Futurama joke still rings true. One example, Zoidberg gets hostile with Leela because she talks down about a dumpster. Zoidberg confronts her with a spikey head, "You stay out of my dumpster!" That was classic Zoidberg.

All in all, Bender's Big Score was a great reunion for all Futurama fans. It's not the funniest 98 minutes of Futurama I've seen, but it's very memorable and truly entertaining. It's been a while, but Futurama is back and I can tell you one thing, the Hypnotoad is back in action baby! All praise the Hypnotoad. All praise the Hypnotoad. All praise the Hypnotoad.....................................................
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