The X-Files: Trust No 1 (2002)
Season 9, Episode 6
Trustno1 loves Queequeg0925
14 November 2007
Trust No 1 is probably the best mythology episode of the final season, since it deals with Mulder mostly, and just a little bit with the silly Super Soldiers. I love the teaser. Using Tchaikovsky's bacarolle(June) on piano was different and nice for a change of pace. Using screen shots from past episodes and turning them into surveillance shots was creative as well.

The e-mails by both Mulder and Scully are out of character for them. Mulder would never say "dearest Dana" and Scully would never say "physically shaking". That is some poor writing for those e-mails. Fortunately, they make up a very small portion of the episode.

It was interesting to see the hidden camera on Scully at the train station at the beginning of the first two segments, but it was a tad confusing, which isn't good.

Scully sees this lady argue with her "husband" at the internet café, and then later "coincidentally" at her house. Scully then invites her in. I don't buy that. Scully's not that stupid. They just happen to be arguing in front of her twice in the same day? Scully would've caught on earlier.

Stupid contrived plot device warning: Doggett, Reyes, & Scully drive to the quarry. They get out. Doggett says, "Agent Scully, you drive down into the quarry. We'll meet you down there." How stupid! Why separate at that point? Simple. It was a very contrived plot device to separate Scully from Doggett & Reyes, so that Scully could confront the Shadow Man by herself. I repeat, silly.

The Shadow Man says that Mulder or William must die. He's a Super Soldier. He could bust into Scully's apartment at ANY time and kill William if he wanted to. Plus, the Super Soldiers already backed off of William in Existence. That storyline is too inconsistent.

With all my complaints, I still enjoyed this episode, despite some sloppy writing. The mysterious meeting with the Shadow Man was tense and exciting, as well as the prospect of seeing Mulder again. The suspense factor makes Trust No 1 a good episode and helps makes up for some of the discrepancies.
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