Review of King Corn

King Corn (2007)
Wow! A sad, tragic - but awesome - documentary
12 November 2007
I knew this movie was going to be good from the trailers and the reviews I'd read, but I didn't expect to be blown away by such an unpretentious little flick. The truth is, it didn't need pretensions - the facts it presents, clearly and without dramatization at all, are plenty enough to make its point.

This is a documentary in the style of the "Columbo" detective series: a pair of friends wander through the Iowa corn industry, discovering things as they go, and showing us what they discover. Simple enough; but what they discover - and show us as they discover it - is a damning indictment not only of the corn industry, but of the entire American way of factory farming.

What's wrong with high fructose corn syrup? Why is grass-fed beef so HUGELY better than corn-fed beef? How do you force land that's been farmed literally to death to produce crops anyway, and bumper crops at that? See this movie; you'll find out.

Naah, on second thought, don't worry about the questions: just see this movie.
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