Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007 Video Game)
Best First Person Shooter Ever
10 November 2007
I've been playing video games for 20 years. And every time a shooter comes out I jump all over playing it. I guess the only thing that I can say is... none of them, not Halo 3 not Ghost Recon 2 and not Battlefield 2, hold a candle to this game. It has of the smoothest game-play. Massive types of games to play (online). And some of the best graphics to currently be found on any system. If you like shooters of any type, then it would be easy to say that you would love this game. I would say that this game would get my "Greatest Of All Time" award (if I actually gave one out). The online game-play allows for you to slowly move into different weapons. It also allows for you to slowly add power ups, but prevents you from stacking these power ups. Add this with the fact that you are able to create up to 5 different preset classes and you've got something different, one way or the other, than the other players on the board. Now don't get me wrong there are some setbacks. One thing is that it does not have the depth of customization as Rainbow Six Vegas. It also does not allow for split screen online play like Halo 3. But, and this is a strong but, all it will take for you is one time. One! And you will agree that this game is amazing.
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