Armchair Thriller: A Dog's Ransom: Part 1 (1978)
Season 1, Episode 5
A good example of "theatre of the absurd" applied to film noir
7 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I will try hard not to spoil any of the surprises Patricia Highsmith springs on you in this dark story, but you have to appreciate that her view of the world we live in is badly skewed from the standpoint of most folks. You really can't trust any one or any of the institutions supposedly created to protect us. Briefly, a psychopathic Polish émigré is bitterly envious and resentful of a contented couple he knows of. To harass them, he kidnaps their pet poodle "Tina" and demands a small ransom. When that is paid, he demands another and gets it. I hardly need say that "Tina" is never returned. Not content with that harassment, the fellow continues with some really loathsome tricks, which the police refuse to investigate. After all, it all started over a dog, so who cares, eh? One rookie policeman, though, does attempt to investigate and identify the culprit. The only real result of this is that he is suspended as a police constable, and his girl friend does "kick him out". This is only the minor tragedy though, there is worse to come, but I think I have told you enough. You won't like what Highsmith relates, but it's difficult to break away from her.

This is a well produced episode of the "Armchair Thriller" TV series with a convincing cast and good production values. The director has not softened the harshness of the story one bit. Unlike another Patricia Highsmith novel, "Strangers on a Train", brought to the screen filtered through Alfred Hitchcock, in this one Highsmith is given you undiluted. The actor playing a senior detective who resents the rookie, really knows how to be totally revolting! He's a man you learn to "love to hate" quickly. Likewise, the actor limning the rookie treads the line skilfully between looking like he might really be "girlie", but at the same time actually being very manly. Don't go out for popcorn or to fill up your glass. You might miss something really dreadful!
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