Love Field (1992)
Love was most definitely in the air!
6 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm speechless. The acting was sentimental on Michell's part, but who's wasn't when JFK got shot. She had a hum-drum life with a man that knew nothing about compassion or empathy toward others. He was only interested in himself and whether or not she'd stay with him. He could not understand the importance of her wanting to "pay her respects" to he late President. Her character actually GROWS in this movie, and she begins to fall in love (maternially) with the black man's daughter. (Not to mention the black!) In the end, I actually thought they were heading their separate ways, but then you see her car return to where the man's daughter is staying. Now that is true romance, and it goes against most of society which hints, "Stick with your own kind,"and I like the fact that she decided to return to him where she felt herself and safe.
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