DMR is a blast!
4 November 2007
So this is what I have been waiting for. Real reviews from people who have nothing to do with the film nor live in Louisville. Now in truth I figured it would be rough. I know what kind of film we have and I make no bones about it.

However the film IS fun. We did indeed have a blast on set. The film does have it's rough points. I mean its a no budget film. But if you rent these films looking for Oscar worthy productions then you're looking in the wrong place. However if you rent these films because you're a fan of low budget B-movies then DMR is for you.

It's fun. It's campy. It's a B-Movie! I love it. I'm proud to call it my film debut and I look forward to doing part 2!

My original post: OK so I may be a little bias since I did star in the film and it was my first starring role... However I am first and foremost a fan of low budget indie films.

Now I will agree the film has it's moments where one has to stretch the imagination, but what film doesn't? DMR is a great first outing for Mark Poole and Anubis Digital Productions. It's well written and very funny. The music is really well done and I think the acting was above par for an indie film.

No I'm not talking about me (I always feel I can do better) I'm talking about Mike Seely (DMR's Nick) That guy is hilarious. I personally think he stole the film and I loved working with him in our scenes together. Gary Williams is another funny man and was very enjoyable to watch on screen. As well as Tucky Williams and Kiki Wallace... Hell honestly I thought everyone did a great job...

Mark Poole created a fun film full of likable characters and sharp humor. He did one hell of a job directing his first film. I mean handling 1200 extras in one scene as seamlessly as he did was a sight to be seen. Mark is someone who loves what he does and has a blast doing it. Every day on set was a great day and Mark was always there at the end of the day with a hug and a word of encouragement...

HE and the cast and crew of DMR became like my family and made every day on set unforgettable.

So if you love indie films and want to have a great time, check out DMR. I promise its a fun ride!
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