Thriller: Nurse Will Make It Better (1975)
Season 4, Episode 2
Decent TV horror fare
4 November 2007
There were a lot of horror flicks made for TV in the seventies, a lot of them are fairly decent. This is another not brilliant one; but it's not bad either. The film was apparently made as a part of a TV series named 'Thriller', which I've never heard of. The plot is fairly well strung together, and focuses on Satanism. After a horse accident, a headstrong young girl finds herself paralysed. Her saviour arrives in the form of a plump nurse named Bessy, and she's soon promising to get the paralysed girl back up and on her feet...but only at a price. At just seventy minutes, the film doesn't really have time to explore the plot in much detail, but for a little TV movie it's not bad. Diana Dors excellently holds attention as the sinister nurse, and makes the film worth watching on her own. The action is pretty good and the film features a few interesting set pieces. The interplay between the supporting characters is decent enough too, and it boils down a silly but somewhat satisfying conclusion. I can't say that this is a great film and there have been better films based on the same subject - but it's not terrible and I'd say that The Devil's Web is worth a look.
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