I give it a nine,
22 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Only because I have seen the Fifth movie. I loved the Goblet of Fire in it's paper backed form. And I loved what they did with the movie adaptation.

I knew going in that they were going to have to take a lot out of the story. So going in knowing that, really helped. I didn't hate that they cut Sirius' part down, but I was displeased that they chopped Voldamort's return speech so much. But even that couldn't make me hate the movie. The scenes in the grave yard were nice and chilling. I also liked how they use more cool colors. The red's were deepened the gold's dulled down. It was just a good effect.

The young actors stepped up their game, as they have for all the movies, to a new level. And all the older actors gave some great performances. Most notably Alan Rickman as Severus Snape. You really loath the guy, but I love to watch him work. So that just shows you how great an actor he is.

The only inconsistent actor is Michal Gambon. He did a wonderful job in the Prisoner of Azkaban, but this is a totally different person and it's not Dumbledore. They said that they wanted to show that he was frazzled but they could have done that without him shaking Harry around.

The Ron/Hermione relationship or whatever deepens and shows that Ron has a soft spot for her.

In the end. It's just a great story no matter if it's a movie or book.
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