Mission: Impossible: Snowball in Hell (1967)
Season 1, Episode 21
This one centers a lot on Barney.
16 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A former torture prison warden named Sefra, still resides at a now-closed prison called Bourador. He revels in the memories of his former "job" of beating prisoners into submission. Now, he has "come into possession" of a radioactive isotope, called Cesium 138, said to be "a key to a low-cost nuclear arsenal". (This is HIGHLY improbable, as cesium is NOT considered good "weapons-grade" fuel, for either fusion or fission designs...) Anyway, he has plans to sell this to the "highest bidder," along with the formula for its use. This could of course cause international repercussions in the cold-war atmosphere. Briggs is sent to stop the sale of the Cesium and make sure that the formula, which " Sefra memorized and then destroyed", cannot fall into the wrong hands".

So, the IMF arranges a little visit to Sefras prison, under the guise of taking a "photo expose", and Rollin and Barney pose as a photographer and model. After some reluctance, Sefra agrees to "re-create" conditions that inmates once faced. While preparing to recreate a flogging, Sefra notices that Barney has been "flogged before.." and it looks like his work. (this was just a good make-up job by Rollin, but it DOES fool Sefra.). Sefra then remembers that a few inmates manged to escape and one in particular, Jean Michael Carre, resembled Barney.

Rollin and Barney then go to the 'punishment cell" to " get some photos" and to place a powerful electromagnet inside of the wall area, where a tunnel had been dug. This is so that Briggs and Willy, can use a compass to find the way,and dig a path to the tunnel. All the while, Sefra is poring over Carre's old file.

Sefra then finds Barney and Rollin in the cell, and pretends to "leave them there forever", and he notices that Barney in particular fears the cell greatly. He then lets them leave, satisfied with his "joke".

Barney and Rollin prepare to leave, but Rollin sends Barney back to look for a strobe flash unit that was lost. Sefra questions his guard, Raff, and learns that Barney is still on the premises, and finds him in the cell. He questions Barney, and under duress, Barney "admits" that he is Carre, and that he came back to "kill Sefra". Sefra starts to beat "Carre" and then places him back in his cell.

While this is going on, Briggs and Willy make their way to the prison and foul up the generators supplying power. This causes great concern for Sefra...not so much for their comfort, but for the care of the isotope..as "cesium 138 will explode if the temperature goes over 70 degrees F." He has kept it in a freezer in his office, but without power, it will soon overheat and explode.

Then.."Carre" starts screaming that he is "sick, and needs to go to the hospital". This gives Sefra an idea...he will take the Cesium to the hospital and place it in the freezer, until his generators are repaired.

The cesium is placed into the hospital freezer and it is closed. But Rollin is there, and takes the cesium and pours the liquid into a container, and places it into a thermoelectric cooler, built into a small tank-like vehicle, and puts the empty bottle back into Sefra's container. Sefra learns that his generators are now running and retrieves his cesium and covering it in a bunch of ice, heads back to his lair.

Once there, Sefra learns that the generators were DELIBERATELY sabotaged by pouring molasses into the fuel. This makes him wonder..Why?? First "Carre" shows up out of the blue...and now this..he checks his isotope. The outer container looks OK, but the inner bottle is EMPTY!! He then figures out that it was all a plot by Carre and his cohorts to steal his Cesium. Sefra has "Carre" brought to his office and begins to flog him to get him to admit the "truth". "Carre" tells Sefra that his Cesium is in the cooler, under the punishment cell. Sefra goes to get his isotope, promising "Carre", that he "will be back for him...and it will be like the old days.."

Briggs places the cooler in the tunnel, switches the temperature control to "HOT"(a thermoelectric cooler can either produce cold or hot conditions), and starts the vehicle in motion toward the tunnel. He then LEAVES, knowing that in a few minutes the whole place will go BOOM!! "Carre" (Barney) then retrieves a lock pick, and frees himself from his cell, as Sefra goes to get his cesium. Just as Sefra sees the cooler coming his way..the temperature reaches the critical point..and the whole complex goes up in huge blast. Barney then joins the others waiting for him....and all drive off, mission accomplished.

This is one of my favorite missions, probably my favorite of the first season. Barney gets a lot of screen time as "Carre" and shines in his performance. Highly recommended for MI fans.
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