Review of Back Soon

Back Soon (2007)
A gay movie isn't necessarily a good movie
16 October 2007
Back Soon (2007), written and directed by Rob Williams, is a film about two men who are surprised to find themselves attracted to each other.

Windham Beacham plays Logan Foster, a man whose wife has recently died in an auto accident. Matthew Montgomery is Gil Ramirez, a young man with a past. Ramirez is drawn to Foster's house, which is for sale. Ironically, Foster's dead wife, Adrianne (played by Maggie Ellertson), was a real estate broker, and would have probably managed the sale of this property had the tragedy not occurred.

Logan and Gil find themselves physically and emotionally attracted to each other. Because neither is gay, this attraction surprises and confuses them. So far so good.

At this point, the movie took off into the realm of mysticism and the supernatural, and it was at this point that--for me--it lost its bearings and its power to instruct or entertain. "Brokeback Mountain" had a similar plot, and that film stayed true to its basic premise. Some things in life don't make perfect sense--they happen and we don't know why. The writer-director of "Back Soon" apparently thought that the viewers of the movie couldn't handle this kind of uncertainty, so he invented a plot line that explained the situation. People who make movies make choices, and I think this choice was not a good one.

This film will work on DVD, should you choose to see it. It was shown at ImageOut, the Rochester Lesbian and Gay Film and Video Festival. We saw six films at the festival. Three of them were very good, and two were excellent. "Back Soon" was the weak link.
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