Review of This Kiss

This Kiss (2007)
At least it was pretty funny....
15 October 2007
..even though it wasn't supposed to be.

I was shocked to find that according to IMDb that this wasn't the director's first film. Her first feature, sure, but to look at it, you'd be surprised that she'd even SEEN a camera before. The film looks like it was shot on a camcorder -- the video quality isn't very good at all. Unfortunately, the biggest star is neither of the two actresses, but the auto-iris. The Auto- Iris steals the film and gets the biggest laughs. For example, there's a scene where Juliette is pacing -- and as she reaches the point just off screen, close to the camera, the iris opens particularly wide, flooding things with light for an instant, and drops immediately back down as Juliette walks back to the other side of the camera.

I saw this at the Seattle Gay & Lesbian Film Festival to a relatively small crowd. For the first 10 or 20 minutes, the tension was heavy as no one was really sure if it was appropriate to laugh. Once someone broke the silence, a flood of derisive laughter filled the theater. At the "Written, Directed, Produced" by credit, someone in the back of the house audibly sighed.

This might have been a decent community theater production, but even then it'd need some script work and better acting. However, as a film, one longs for Mystery Science Theater 3000. The only difference between this one and most of their fare (aside from the lack of either film stock or at least DECENT video) was a distinct lack of a robot monster. Ouch.
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