Solid Anime stuff but material, dialogue and characters are lacking
14 October 2007
There can be only one, but Conner MacLeod is less concerned with becoming the sole remaining immortal with all the power he could wish, and more concerned with seeking revenge from one immortal in particular. Responsible for the death of his one true love, this immortal has presided over the empire of Rome, the Third Reich and other immoral and evil forces. Now in the future, he continues to hold sway over a New York that has fallen due to terrorism and biological warfare. Entering the city, MacLeod is only looking for another try at revenge but finds more than he expected.

Despite Highlander 2 and 3, I did quite enjoy Endgame and so I decided to take a look at this ahead of maybe seeing the live-action sequel later this year. I have no real issue with Anime even if it does rather tend to look very similar in style from film to film. Nor am I a massive fan of the Highlander films but I do quite like both of these things. In regards Anime the film does look good and there is plenty of visual style to be had here. Fans of the genre will appreciate it because it does look a bit like everything else you will have seen.

Where it falls down is what it does with this style, because the material is sadly lacking. The story does similar stuff to what the series has done before. By digging up MacLeod's old partner the film does rather tread old ground and it offers nothing new with it. On top of this we have characters that are superficial and simplistic , with nothing outside of the action. Of course the script mostly being corny dialogue doesn't help anything and, in regards the narrative, there isn't much beyond the tough posturing, sexy girls and solid action. The voice work is OK for what the material is but nothing more.

Overall then an OK Anime film that does a lot of what you expect from the genre. However apart from this, the material is lacking and does little more than produce a simple script that Highlander fans will have seen before and few will care about.
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