Someone's Watching Me! (1978 TV Movie)
John Carpenter's third film
13 October 2007
while i admit there is lots of tension in this movie,it's almost too much.the problem i found is that(to me at least)the movie keeps building to a climax which is less exciting than the rest of the movie.there is one pretty thrilling moment in the movie,but for me,that's about it.this is by no means a bad fact,think it was very well done and the acting is top rate.i just felt it was too drawn out.this is John carpenter's third picture,and was intended for the big screen at one point.but somewhere along the line,it was decided to make it into a TV's not overly violent and certainly not very graphic.even though i thought the movie was drawn out,it was still entertaining enough o watch until the end.if you don't mind a really slow build up,you will probably enjoy this the way,this movie also available as part of the Twisted Terror collection,which also includes five other horror movies.anyway,for me,Someone's Watching Me is a 6/10
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