This film is tripe!
7 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
My wife made me buy this from the bargain bin at w-mart. She loves monkey movies (I don't, as a rule).

Not really a spoiler, but I figured I'd check the box just in case, before writing the next bit....

What makes this film actually a bit funny, albeit probably unintentional, is the fact that the (obviously) American writers figure it takes a chimp and a red-blooded American boy to make a Canadian hockey team take itself seriously. The Canadians on the team are portrayed as lunkheads who really don't care about winning or losing and can't play hockey.....until, of course, the pretty boy and the chimp from South of the border come up and teach them a lesson in winning and team pride.

Seriously folks, since when have the Americans taught Canadians ANYTHING about hockey??? The Miracle on Ice that occurred 30 years ago was called a "miracle" for a reason.

To put this in perspective from a cultural-pride point of view, think of how a movie with a Canadian kid who plays baseball and a bear cub from Canada somehow made it onto a AAA baseball team. The team really sucks and all the pre-existing American guys were fat and stupid, and the Canadian duo led them to the championship. If that sounds appealing to you, then by all means, watch this movie.
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