Hard to believe
7 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It is very difficult to understand why such a bad script got greenlighted. I guess this film is intended to be a "coming of age" comedy. Well, it is not. The characters are almost nameless. A recovering alcoholic-drug addict arquitect in his 30's is bests friends with a jobless woman who complains all the time about being dumped by a guy who once saved her life because he loved her (though later he confesses he did not); an aspiring actress who always fails at her cast appearances because she always has accidents because of the same reason (the architect's manners) and always ends up performing as a bee in a kid's show but... guess what... at the end, she decides to be a flight attendant and her mom gets her an interview with an airline executive who is willing to under-see her small size and her age... but guess what again... just as she was being admitted as a flight attendant, the police bursts in and arrests her for being a drug dealer, because she had a friend in her bee-entertaining-activities that put an heroin dosis in her room to ease her pains... but guess what again... the architect is a womanizer but deep inside he is just a tender guy waiting for his long time love to finally accept him... and guess again... the first gut, the one who saves the heroin, had a girlfriend who was smashed by the same car that smashes his new found love, at the same street, with the same car... really!!! I'm not kiddin'!!! And that's it. All of the above became into a boring, tedious, senseless motion picture.

The worst part: this thing made it's way to the theaters. And was co-produced by Warner bros. The first time a US major studio invests in a local production.
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