Tough Enough (2006)
Unoriginal but good addition to troubled teenager film
3 October 2007
Interesting how one person read this film as having a subtext to do with fear of immigration and other races. I found this quite harrowing to watch, it pressed buttons for me, leaving me quite disturbed and depressed afterwards. I d recommend it to anyone doing work with kids around bullying. The central character is faced with some hard choices. After watching this, I was left wondering what exactly I might do, given the same set of circumstances. There's a frenetic, techno charged turbo driven soundtrack, rapid editing and wonky camera angles, but this is used skilfully. There's two scenes of incredible tension where the filmmaker slows down, the camera becomes still which brings emphasis to bear on the events. All in this is competently executed and while not up there with Los Olvidados or 400 Blows is nonethless well worth a look.
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