Heroes: Chapter Two 'Lizards' (2007)
Season 2, Episode 2
Lizards brings more intriguing stuff to "Heroes"
3 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When we last left "Heroes", Peter, who has amnesia, was being beaten by some toughs in Ireland. After getting knocked out, a woman who's associated with them looks at his bloody face and gets startled when the stains disappear in thin air. In California, Claire, after recovering her mom's ring from boiling water wants to know why she has to pass as "normal" when she feels constricted. Noah explains about people wanting to torture her if they're found out. In New York, Matt investigates Hiro's father's death and questions Ando about the symbol discovered on the picture of the father just before the murder. Hiro is also briefly mentioned as we go back to 17th century Japan where Hiro, after finding his hero out cold, takes his costume and becomes "Takezo Sensei" as he uses his teleporting powers to make his foes' weapons vanish from one place to another. This all impresses the lady who was fighting them beforehand and she waits for his kiss. But Hiro disappears as pink blossom leaves fall all around her. In Hounduras, the twins, Alejandro and Maya, struggle to find a way to get to America as a healer fails to heal Maya and, later at night, an elderly female guide dies inadvertently under Maya's bloody eyes before Alajandro makes the stain disappear and the guide gets up cursing them as she leaves. Mohinder goes to Haiti to cure someone who has the same disease that killed his sister in 1974. It's the guy who worked for Noah by erasing minds! Next we see after Mohinder injects the needle, he's back to where his employer that we saw last week asks about him and all Mohinder remembers is the assignment he just got from him! Back at school, Claire watches in fascination a film about lizards regenerating after losing an arm and asks questions about humans doing the same thing which arouses the curiosity of the boy who flew last week. She brushes him off. And then finds her car stolen! Back in Japan, Hiro is confronted by Takezo about his stolen costume when the lady comes and thanks Takezo personally. Because of her, he agrees to fulfill his destiny but then gets shot by arrows that seem to kill him. But, suddenly, the blood seems to disappear. Back in New York, Matt questions Mrs. Petrelli about the murder of Hiro's father. She admits to once having an affair with him but refuses to answer any more. Reading her mind, Matt gets some info about revenge but is told by her reading his mind to back off! As Matt goes to meet son Nathan, they hear a noise and find Nathan's mother in critical condition as her picture is found with the symbol on it. In Ireland, one of Peter's tormentors finds a box and with it, now knows the name of the amnesia-afflicted victim. He offers to give him the box if he does something for him and the woman who treated him. Mohinder calls Noah and tells him about the Haitian. As Noah hangs up, he sees that Haitian in front of him as they get reacquainted. Claire, at home, cuts her smallest toe and, 30 seconds later, grows one back just as that boy sees the scene through the window. Claire goes outside to confront him but he disappears leaving a book by Mohinder's father that he recommended to her earlier as "To Be Continued" appears on screen...Wow, a lot to mention as you can tell by my long synopsis. All of them pretty intriguing. Disappointed not to be seeing DL, Niki/Jessica, Micah, or Sylar like the promos seem to be promising but as the weeks go, I'm sure we will. Should really make for another interesting season. On that note, until next time...
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