The Spider (1958)
28 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
For whatever reason, I kind of enjoyed this. A spider attacks an isolated small town. The kind of thing that would raise the hackles of any news broadcaster goes unremarked at the national level. The spider is a gigantic tarantula. The threatened townspeople are represented by two teen-agers. The local finally get their act sufficiently together to blow up the entrance to the cave and seal off the demonic thing.

So what else is new? Nothing.

Yet I got a kick out of it, possibly due to the chemical influence of some tequila bought at half price at The Pink Store in Palomas, Mexico. Who knows? Who knows about the monster for that matter? (It has a voice and screams and growls.) Or the dumb and sluggish responses of the local authorities? Or the total absence of federal forces, although this gigantic thing is draining the life force out of local citizens. Cripes, imagine a dirty bomb -- or a hurricane.

I enjoyed the inevitable and self-described "egg head", and the two teen agers flopping around in the tarantula's web, though tarantulas don't weave those kinds of webs. What does it matter. Here we have a pretty young girl flouncing around in her voluminous skirt on a sort of trampoline.

If you're into this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing you'd be into.
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