Tales from the Darkside: Anniversary Dinner (1985)
Season 1, Episode 13
"I love having the children for dinner..." Decent episode.
24 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Tales from the Darkside: Anniversary Dinner is set on a rural farm owned by Henry (Mario Roccuzzo) & his wife Elinor Collender (Alice Ghostly, a fitting name for someone appearing on this show?) who are about to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary after 25 years of marriage. Elinor is determined to make a special anniversary dinner for the celebration, they love having their children for dinner in a rather literal manner & young backpacker Sybil (Fredrica Duke) gets an invite which she may end up regret accepting...

Episode 13 from season 1 this Tales from the Darkside story originally aired in the US during Februray 1985, the first of six Tales from the Darkside episodes to be directed by John Strysik I thought Anniversay Dinner was an OK time waster but nothing particularly special. The script by James Houghton is a touch predictable for my liking & is littered with some rather unsubtle clues & hints like a huge wooden ladle on the wall, the couple's large collection of knifes, talk of butcher's not killing animals properly, the old woman constantly preoccupied with cooking & in particular cutting up joints of meat, stuffed animal heads displayed on the wall & a huge cooking pot all point to a obvious twist ending which anyone who is familiar with the horror anthology style of film-making will spot the proverbial mile off. To be fair it moves along at a nice pace, at only 20 minutes it doesn't last too long, it has an OK story even if it is a bit predictable & provides basic if undemanding entertainment.

This one looks alright, it hasn't dated as badly as some & is generally well made although obviously low budget. There's no blood or gore even though it's a story about cannibals & I wouldn't even say there's anything scary in it either. The acting is OK from the whole four people in it.

Anniversay Dinner is an OK way to pass 20 minutes but is entirely forgettable & has absolutely no blood or gore which, considering it's about cannibals, has to be a disappointment. Worth a watch if your a fan of the show or can catch it on telly for free.
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