Force of Impact (2006 TV Movie)
Gay Film... What's the Big Deal
20 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If you wanna get a decent feel for this movie going in... really try'en picture pretty much any crappy action/sci-fi movies since the 80's- for anyone who's a fan of genre you'll understand what I mean, if that's not your thing then you'll sit through his looking at your watch going Jesus Christ please just end now.

If that is your kind of thing make sure you watch the version of this called Force of Impact, unless you are also in fact a fan of gay cinema... don't worry boys it's pretty hard to get the 'gay' themed copied... I should know I had to dig high and low for it.

For those of you looking for the unedited copy good luck...

But this is what I really want to impress upon people. Pay attention: this is a b-grade action movie where two of the protagonists happen to be gay (cute together too). Now there was an earlier review on here complaining how no 'gay' movies have any substance and the ones that do are written by straight people and so on. Well I won't even try'en discuss the fallacy of logic on complaining about straight people working on gay movies...

But about quality... now gay people do this all the time... they complain about Dante's Cove and about Hellbent and so on... and about how these movies don't depict the gay lifestyle accurately and there all bad soap operas and that they all make gay people look like their crazed sex addicts... and usually after that complaint will come the statement... the only good 'gay' movie was Brokeback Mountain and that was made by straight people... Have you ever seen Brokeback Mountain... seriously... what a piece of crap- I'd rather poke my own eyes out than... But that's beside the point...

There for entertainment purposes only folks... not an autobiography for the gay community... if I what something close to real life I'd become more involve in reality TV... yuk...

I mean my god not everything made has to be an earth shattering revelation about what it's like to be gay... speaking with insider information... it's not entirely different from being straight.
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