Review of Heat

Smallville: Heat (2002)
Season 2, Episode 2
The first inappropriate 'Smallville' episode
17 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In this episode, Clark learns the ability of heat vision. To me, it is unfortunate how this ability manifests itself, in a rather inappropriate way.

A young woman named Desiree is the new biology teacher at Smallville High. She arrives in an extremely short dress, playing a video about procreation. This turns Clark on, which causes heat waves to emit from his eyes. After consulting with his parents, Clark realizes that this shift in hormones is what ignites the emittance of heat. Not soon after, Clark learns to be able to control this ability, similar to how he did with learning how to manipulate x-ray vision and only x-ray what is appropriate.

This episode is disappointing to me because it is the first episode to truly be inappropriate. It is cool to see Clark learn his heat-vision ability, but the matter by how he learns is disappointing. The directors of the show basically had the actress who played Desiree nearly go nude in a scene, which was very disappointing to see from the directors. This episode gets a 5 just because it introduces a new ability, but doesn't deserve anything better because of the sexual-related storyline.
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