15 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When you're writing about a movie as brutally bad as The Wild Women of Wongo, going through an elaborate plot description seems somehow completely unnecessary. So, very briefly, the movie is about the tribe of Wongo where the women are beautiful, but the men aren't. They meet the Goona tribe where the men are beautiful, but he women aren't. It doesn't take a clairvoyant to see where this is headed. Throw in some of the worst acting imaginable, a sub-plot about ape men that goes nowhere, a laughably ridiculous dance sequence, and a parrot so annoying you'll want to strangle the nearest ornithologist and you've got The Wild Women of Wongo. If it all wasn't so laughably bad I would call it one of worst movies I've ever seen.

Fortunately for me, I saw the new DVD from The Film Crew. If you're not familiar with The Film Crew, it's sort of like Mystery Science Theater 3000 - eight years removed. Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett are back at it, riffing really bad movies. The Wild Women of Wongo is their third release as The Film Crew (Hollywood After Dark and Killers from Space being the first two) and easily the most funny. It's often as funny as some of the best stuff the guys did on MST3K. So, while I've only rated The Wild Women of Wongo a 2/10, I'll give The Film Crew commentary a 4/5 on my MST3K rating scale.
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