The Thirst (I) (2006)
It's too bad to summarize just read the review!
14 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason i could bring myself to rate this a two was because Tom Lenk, Who plays Andrew on Buffy, was a chained transvestite like Vampire wanna be, which i found mildly...okay VERY entertaining. Let the first criticism be heard shall we?

Aside from the confusing and disturbing story line, and the viciously bad acting the "blood" the crew decided upon was disgraceful and quite sickening. the hose like spurts of the pale unrealistic blood only made this movie harder to watch. The main characters (Matt Keeslar and Claire Kramer) ruthlessly murdered the already trivial parts. For instance the scene where Matt Keeslar murders his "lover" Claire he and Lisa go around the room tarring up the bedding in a cave man like manner. The scene could not be more indiscreet. THen we have the "epic" family mystery which unravels it self at the end with a discordant, battler atop an ambulance. then without any conclusion to the fight the two "good" vampires go forth and commit suicide.

THe movies content and range was non existent and the terrible acting/effects/story line/ script only made it more unbearable!

We suggest you go see this movie so you can share our detest for it!!!!!!!

p.s. Top Lenk completely steals the performance!!!!!!!!
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