Gee! What Could Have Been
1 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to be the exception to the flow of "thumbs up" fans of this K. Bacon movie. This film is good in so many ways: Acting, cinematography, and raw realism ...BUT... It loses its' base and frustrates the movie-goer when it lacks reasonable logic and believability in several scenes. First, Bacon decides to get revenge with little preparation. Second, he goes from a bundled up neurotic basket-case white collar worker and then becomes "Jason Bourne." Third, if that isn't enough, the bad guy thugs shoot him and obviously everyone in the theater can see he's only winged and "they" leave him while exiting the house with nary a cop in sight while a patrol car sits out front with two murdered officers leaning on a horn blaring away. Where are the back-up? Then good 'ol Kevin escapes the hospital with great ease not to mention heading back to his house and several other places to prepare for his assault on the bad boys lair. This is only a smidgen of several "beyond belief" scenarios that just frustrated the heck out of me. Notice that I gave the film 6 stars and thats because it was a masterpiece in so many ways. What must be also said is that, had this film brought together the realism to the high caliber of all the things that did work then this could have been one heck of a film. Lastly, I felt betrayed by the ending that left questions unanswered.
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