Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (2007 Video Game)
Best Wii game to date!
1 September 2007
We have all been waiting for it and it is finally here. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for the Wii is a fitting conclusion to a very epic trilogy.

The game starts out with Samus waking up from her cryogenic sleep inside her ship. You then automatically begin the tutorial sequence by messing with the ships gadgets. Once you get onto the GFS Olympus, you start going through a few more tutorials leading up to a visit with the Commander. You learn about the Aurora Units, the virus planted to them, and the pirate attack on the Valhalla where they stole an AU. This is when the action starts and doesn't stop until after your very well done boss fight with Ridley.

I'm not going to give away anything else, but the story in this game is deep, dark, and compelling. (story 9/10)

Now for the graphics, if you think the Wii is not a powerful system, think again. This game pulls out some amazing effects like bloom lighting, which gives everything a vibrant glow. Character models in the game are second to none, you can easily tell Retro Studios put a lot of effort into this game and I commend them for it. (graphics 10/10)

Gameplay is unlike anything I have ever played before. The first person controls are perfect. This game is the closest thing to a mouse and keyboard control on a console. Once you get used to the controls, you will never want to play with dual analog ever again, that's how good it is. There are also some neat things that use the Wii remote in some pretty cool ways. Like, for example, using the Grapple Lasso, it's so satisfying to use on shielded enemies, all you do is lock on with Z and flick the nunchuck to extend the lasso and pull back to get rid of the shield. This is just one of the many ways of play that was specifically built for the Wii. (gameplay 10/10) In conclusion, if you love the Prime series or are even just beginning, you will want to play this 20+ hour game more than once. The story, gameplay, and graphics are all very well done and I give Retro Studios a standing ovation for this work of art. It's one of those games that you will remember playing for years to come which is why I give Metroid Prime 3:Corruption a 10 out of 10.

Andrew Fleig
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