Still Small Voices (2007 TV Movie)
Parallel Universe?
28 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** It takes a while for the made for TV movie "Still Small Voices" to get it's act together with 911 emergency operator Michael Summer, Catherine Bell, tracking down what exactly has been driving her almost insane since she almost bled to death on the operating table giving birth to a stillborn child. Michael had since been suffering hallucinations on her job and nightmares in her sleep about something that happened some thirty years ago that she's somehow connected to.

Forced to take an unwanted vacation by her boss Sgt. Gillett, Eugene Clark, Michael is then drawn to this out of the way town in rural Pennsylvania called Starlight. It's there that Michael is confronted with an event that in some strange way is responsible for what she's been going through the last few weeks the drowning of local 10 year-old girl Carrie Waverly, Emily Swiss. Just as were introduced to Carrie and the circumstances of her death or disappearance were confronted with this other ten year-old girl Nellie Lipton, Kendra Mio, who disappeared about the same time that Carrie did. What now comes into the picture, with the connection between Carrie and Nellie, is just what the two girls have to do with each other!

The film saves all it fireworks and surprises for the very end and it's well worth waiting for with the story up until then leaving it's audience almost totally confused to what's going on. Michaels visions of what happened to Carrie are right on target and so accurate to the point where they pinpoint to just who was responsible for both her kidnapping and possible murder a convicted both serial murder and arsonist named Burton Hayes, Charles Martin Smith.

The both shocking and totally out of the blue surprise ending is a bit too much to take but after it's sprung you realize that it's about the only thing that ties, as unrelated as they are, all the loose ends of the movie together. Michael discovers the truth behind Carrie's disappearance and that truth has to do with someone very close to her. There's also the story of this wild looking guy who keeps popping up in the movie with a star-like tattoo on his chest and ax who keeps breaking down doors. We and Michael get the impression that he had something to do with Carrie's, as well as her friends Nellie, death or disappearance.

****SPOILER ALERT**** It's only at the very end of the movie that Michael realizes that he, the crazy looking tattooed guy, was in fact the person who saved Carrie's life when she was left to die in a burning building by that psycho Burton Hayes. The "Star-Man" not realizing that Nellie was already dead tried to later rescue her like he did Carrie only to end up dying in the flames. As for Carrie she not only survived but grew up into adulthood and it's those circumstances and the person responsible for them that's undoubtedly the big surprise at the conclusion of "Still Small Voices".
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