Evil Dead II (1987)
A Horror Classic. The God of Comedic Horror!!!
28 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
PROS: Great acting. Bruse Camdell was perfect for the role, he was very believable as the character of Ash. The scene where Ash cuts off his hand cuz it went evil was pure genius. The slapstick comedy was tremendously funny as it always is. All the demons were just flat out awesome. The Animation was the best in a Horror film at the time and is still great to look at. A very good film for the low budget of $3,500,000. The film is one of those few horror classics that you can watch over and over again and it never gets old. Better Than the Original Evil Dead. Not to mention how awesome it was to see Ash go evil and try to kill everyone.

CONS: The first 10 to 15 minutes was kind of on the boring side. The film seemed to be a remake even though on the back of the DVD it says he returned again to release the evil once again. They made a few mistakes in the film but its hard to notice. And it is semi inconsistent with the 3rd film "Army Of Darkness." The film ended.

CONCLUSION: Even with all the mistakes, the semi-boreingness, & the inconsistanties; the film still takes my breath away, the good things about the film makeup for all the semi-bad. The Film is a classic accually its the classic, Thats why I give it a 10 out of 10.
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