Music Was A Big, Big Part Of This Era's Cartoons
21 August 2007
This is another strange cartoon from the collection of "Aesop's Fables" animated shorts from the very early 1930s.

We get a tour of an "animated studio" because some woman is interested to see how these cartoons are made. Once inside, the crazy things start. The place is like a busy office but yet many of the animators are in an assembly line with an a band playing over them on a stage. Once again we see how important music was in this era. In many cartoons, someone is playing an instrument, or singing or dancing. Music has always been in the forefront of entertainment, but it must have been far more popular back then than today.

Anyway, later we wind up seeing a movie-within-a-movie as a short, "Little Nell" is shown before an audience. That's entertaining, too. I particularly laughed at the reactions in the audience.

There were very few things where I laughed right out loud, yet all of it was entertaining to a degree and certainly had the time era stamped on it. One look at this and you know it's made around 1930 with the crazy story and humor.
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