Californication (2007–2014)
Absolutely Excellent... Nothing Like It
17 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Its hard to explain everything that this show has going for it, and if the pilot is any indication, we are in for a fantastically brilliant series.

I've watched the pilot about 10 times already, and it is just as good as the first viewing. It is a remarkable balance between love, regret, loneliness, debauchery and moral value, the likes of which I have rarely seen.

Duchovney's character has this amazing combination of I-don't-give-a-f**k attitude (stemming from his obvious depression and regret over his ex and several other things), conceit, vulnerability, bitterness, and misogyny, while simultaneously being utterly moral and upstanding, especially in his desire to do the right thing for his ex and daughter, as exemplified in the final scene when he rushes to crash a house party that his daughter is attending and literally carries her out of there when he saw her smoking pot with some boys.

It is a remarkably refreshing change from the usual 'cool-parent' liberal permissive attitude that one has come to expect in these situations. And coming from a character like Hank (Duchovney) its especially redeeming. He is an amazingly complex character, and Duchovney pulls it off flawlessly.

The writing is nearly perfect, as is the casting and acting. The soundtrack is as brilliant and evocative as anything I've experienced thus far in television or film, and it all comes together in a hilarious, poignant and extremely entertaining package. Love it and looking forward to more.
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