Sad Looking Alan Ladd
16 August 2007
It was not very long into viewing this film that Alan Ladd was at the end of his career in Hollywood, his problem with Alcohol were starting to get the best of him in his eyes and face and even makeup could not hide the demon's he was facing in real life. Walt Sherill,(Ladd) plays the role of an aerospace engineer and very successful and married to his wife, Tracey Sherill, (Dolores Dorn) in a very nice home in the suburbs. One night as Walt is leaving his office he runs out of gas and starts to walk to a telephone when he is almost run down by a speeding car driven by delinquent juveniles. Walt yells at them and they proceed to go back to Walt and beat the living day lights out of him. It is from this point in the film which becomes very interesting and Rod Steiger, (Det. Sergeant Kileski) gives an outstanding supporting role which makes this picture a success. It is sad to say that this was Alan Ladd's last starring role in Hollywood and two years later he passed on to a greater stage.
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