Neat little thriller!!
15 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A neat little perfect plan gone awry film. At first one thinks you are watching a low rent re-hash of "THE ASPHALT JUNGLE". It is not, there are more than enough changes to keep it interesting. A con just out of prison needs some cash to set up the perfect heist. He goes to a fence he knew from his early days. The fence agrees to finance the set-up and get a crew together. The target? A bank which is next door to several houses that had been bombed out during the Blitz. They plan to dig through the foundations of the ruined houses and right into the vault. The plan goes perfect except for one thing. After digging all the way through to the vault, they find an unexploded 1000 lb. bomb. And where is the bomb? Right in front of where they need to use their explosives to get into the bank. They decide that after all these years the bomb must be a dud and continue with the plan. They blow a hole into the vault and fill their bags with the cash. As they are getting ready to leave they hear a ticking. The bomb! It seems its timer has started. The crew look at the bomb, then at the way out and then at each other! Need I say more. Nice hour and a bit thriller.
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