The Tale of Beatrix Potter (1983 TV Movie)
A Perfect Biography of a remarkable woman
15 August 2007
This is a beautiful and thorough biography of Beatrix Potter. Penelope Wilton deserved an Oscar for her performance. She hit every emotion on the mark. The scenery and the sets are perfect. It complements what ultimately happened in Beatrix's life to engage the audience with so much filming in the Lake District. All who grew up and enjoyed the "little books" will enjoy this truly amazing story of a woman coming into her own. The gifts she bestowed on the world were priceless - from wonderful and beautiful books for children to the acres and acres of land she saved from development. There is a story for everyone in this rendition of Beatrix Potter's life. I agree with the other reviews, that this is by far a more complete biography than the recent "Miss Potter". I enjoyed this latest movie, but knowing how wonderful this production was left this one lacking. I wish this was available on DVD. PLEASE WON'T SOMEONE HELP GET THIS DVD AVAILABLE?
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