Four Riders (1972)
Gloomy, early 70's Gun Fu movie
15 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this as a young kid, twice, actually. 4 deserters from the Taiwanese army run afoul of gangsters in Korea during the war. Fairly bleak stuff, climaxed by a huge fight, and for some reason, they use a winchester in the final battle. Everyone dies. I mean everyone.The fights are of the sloppy, "wai yah!" screaming type, such as found in Duel (Duel of the Iron Fist), "Man of Iron" and the "Boxer From Shantung". I gave it a slightly higher rating, as it seemed like it was well acted- I was 14, so who knows? You can really see why they shifted to the more elaborate fight style of the Shaolin/Hung Gar films when you watch this. Without the elaborately choroegraphy, several of these guys look really sloppy. Nothing to search out, but worth a watch.
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