Spring Break Lawyer (2001 TV Movie)
As good a spring break movie as you'll ever see.
12 August 2007
This movie can be best described as a cross between "Legally Blonde"(the first one, the funny one) and "Old School". The actors are younger and don't have quite the same chops as the big-guns (Ferrell or Vince Vaughan), but its that same type of smart/stupid guy movie. One good gag involves hookers who take credit cards and have the same almost sympathetic attitude as the checkout lady at a department store when the payment is declined. It is in no way an intense or edgy film. The sexual content is about at the level of a Carry On movie. All in all a very good-natured, funny but also sensible film that never gets ahead of itself isn't preachy, employs gross-out gags without being tasteless, and probably could be run on late night TV every spring break. Recommended alongside "Big Shot: Confessions of a Campus Bookie" as two near movie-theater-quality made for TV flicks.
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