Decent German Gore Outing From Olaf Ittenbach...
1 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
As I've stated in other reviews - I'm not a huge fan of the Euro-gore scene, most films of the genre being silly and pointless. But I have seen a few exceptions, and THE BURNING MOON is one of them. Not a "great" film by any means, but compared to other similar films, it holds up rather well. Unfortunately my copy is in German language only, so I may have missed a few points, but here's the basic story:

The film centers around a drug-addict guy who tells his little sister two "fairy tales" before she goes to bed. The first entitled "Julia's Love" is about an escaped mental patient who stalks a woman and her family and dispatches most of them in gory fashion. The second, entitled "The Purity" is about a priest who moonlights as a satanist/rapist/murderer who does his deeds amongst the local villagers. If I understood the story right, an innocent is wrongfully suspected of the murders and is killed, and this segment ends with a suitably gory finale set in hell...

I've had THE BURNING MOON laying around for quite a while and just now got to checking it out due to the fact that I've been so disappointed with many of the German/Euro-gore films I've seen - but this one was decent. The blood flows pretty hot-'n'-heavy pretty much right from the start, and let's face it - that's really all we're interested in a film such as this. I liked the "serious" tone of the film, and even though it's obviously a very low-budget affair, there is some decent FX work in the film, and both stories are suitably "rough" and mean-spirited. Definitely worth a look for the splatter-heads out there - one of the better films that this often weak genre has to offer...7/10
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