Geometry, Karma and Repetition wreak havoc on parents and children.
1 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
WOW! A film of beauty and depth. Mant thanks to Sr. Medem, his cast and crew. And many thanks to those who offered their thoughtful comments.

Repetition may eventually cause circular paths to intersect and form completed circles. We are given several possibilities with the lives of at least three generations of two families. This film had me emotionally enmeshed. But the one completed circle I wished for was not to be. I was left dangling out there in the ether with a feeling of Pathos, of unresolved tensions, of a tragic incompleteness.

The heartbreaking end of Knut Hamsun's novella, VICTORIA, elicited similar emotions.

Finally, every time I hear it, the Debussy Prelude, DES PAS SUR LA NEIGE, does pretty much the same thing to me - the footprints in the snow go off in the distance and disappear.
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