The Six Million Dollar Man: Sharks: Part 1 (1977)
Season 5, Episode 1
A Good Start to an Otherwise Bizarre FInal Season
31 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I love the Six Million Dollar Man Series, but I have no earthly idea why this 2 part episode was listed separately from the rest of the series. Sharks was a 2 part episode that kicked off the show's most bizarre, yet final season. I must admit, I liked Lee Major's late 70's hairstyle and I wished my hair could have done that when I was younger. But unfortunately, this look was a further departure from his image from the earlier seasons marketed on all the SMDM merchandise. The final season was kind of comic bookish and bizarre in terms of some of the stories. I imagine Lee Majors was ready to move on with his career at this point. But I will admit that the 2 part Sharks episode was fairly decent. An underwater episode with a woman who could control sharks in the ocean with a special device. And her father starts off as the main antagonist but becomes the victim and not so bad guy after all when his head henchman takes over all operations. Not too many episodes I'd recommend in season five, but of the few, I would recommend Sharks along with Dark Side of the Moon, Killer Wind, the Cheshire Project, Walk a Deadly Wing, the Return of Death Probe, and the series finale, the Moving Mountain. But beware, you will encounter weird episodes like Bigfoot V, Rollback, Just a Matter of Time and perhaps the single most bizarre episode in the entire series, the 2 hour Lost Island episode.

But give Sharks a try. This one I will recommend.
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