Review of Feast

Feast (2005)
A Fantastic Monster Movie
31 July 2007
"Feast" was a wonderful treat in light of the current, absolute flood of garbage in the horror genre. Playing on the claustrophobic elements of being trapped in a single location (think Night of the Living Dead or Dawn of the Dead) and the elements of an unknown, lurking horror (think Tremors or Alien), Feast serves up a delicious main course of excitement. If you enjoyed Slither, you'll love this too!

The script was very well written - I was truly impressed by the quality of wit and tongue-in-cheek humour that made such films as Tremors and Critters work. Further, the cast was very capable and delivered exactly what their characters required of them. But I have to say that the single most effective piece of creative film-making here, was the fact that the "don't reveal the creature" rule was fully applied. Let me explain: in many potentially excellent horror movies, especially creature flicks, there is traditionally a point where the creature/monster is fully revealed, but (as Stephen King points out in Danse Macabre), this is a mistake in the long run. The audience might gasp upon such a revelation, even scream, but then the horror passes and what one is generally left with is a man in a suit or a poorly executed bit of CGI trundling around the set really having served its purpose and leaving the audience disappointed. In Feast, there are only glimpses of what are truly disturbing, well-crafted beasties that because of their mysteriousness only become more frightening than if they had been fully illuminated and crashed in upon the actors bellowing and waving their arms. There is also a wonderful amount of necessary violence of gore! All in all I have to say that any fan of the genre will likely appreciate this movie. It doesn't try to be something it is not - and the quality of acting (thankfully, and for a change, not a bunch of teenage pop "icons" pretending they understand the severity of their dilemma, or the art of acting, for that matter) carries an excellent story even further.

This could have been a mess in the hands of many who think they're making horror movies today but are only spewing out contrived crap. This movie had just the right balance between humour and violence and good 'ol monster-movie-magic to make it fly high.

8/10 because although I liked them at the beginning, I am not sure the freeze-frame character descriptions are necessary. As well, one or two lines that should have been rewritten (e.g. "beer me" a woman says, after seeing her husband's decapitated body). Slightly less humour - more foreboding atmosphere would have equaled 10/10.

Well done to all those involved and thanks for taking the time, and putting in the effort to make a really great creature feature! From director to actors, the fact that you had fun and put your heart into it at the same time shows.
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