Review of Within

The X-Files: Within (2000)
Season 8, Episode 1
Welcome to the X-Files, T-1000!
30 July 2007
Within brings with it the first major cast change for the X-Files, replacing David Duchovny with Robert Patrick(of Terminator 2 fame) in the lead male role. Robert Patrick plays Agent John Doggett, who has been assigned to find the missing Agent Mulder.

Within shows that the X-files can still be a great show, even without David Duchovny playing the iconic role of Fox Mulder. It's different not seeing Fox Mulder dominate the screen for the first time in seven seasons and takes some getting used to. But once you've adjusted and accepted his absence, you can see that the X-Files is still a top-notch television series.

The show starts off with a musical piece called "Scully's Theme" composed by Mark Snow. It's a beautiful score that recurs throughout the episode. It helps to emphasize the great loss that Scully now feels with Mulder missing.

The introduction to Agent Doggett is a classic. Chris Carter doesn't want the audience to immediately fall in love with his character. He's underhanded and sneaky as he "interviews" Scully while she waits to speak with Agent Doggett, not knowing she already is. When she discovers the ruse, she promptly throws water in his face to show her disgust with him. Welcome to the x-files, Doggett.

The scenes of Mulder being experimented upon by the aliens is visually shocking and quite gross. The show had always mentioned alien abductions and experimentations, but this is our first close-up look at what goes on in those ships.

Skinner solicits the help of the Lone Gunmen to help find Mulder. I believe this is the first time that anyone other than Mulder and Scully seeks their help. It's great to see Skinner's passion for finding Mulder. He has kept his emotions in check and walked the line for so long. But he finally shows signs of the strong bond that he has developed with Mulder. He's more than a superior now, he's a friend.

The episode ends with a great cliffhanger, leaving you guessing what the heck is going on with Mulder and what the purpose of his actions are. And so begins the search for Mulder and a new era for the X-Files.
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