Tales from the Crypt: Only Skin Deep (1994)
Season 6, Episode 2
Not my favorite storyline, however this is an odd creepy episode.
26 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
When listening to the plot of this episode, it sounds clichéd and silly, but when actually watching it, the direction and dark sets make it a creepy outing. In this story, bitter Carl goes to a friend's Halloween party to get talk to his ex-wife. When he becomes angry, he leaves only to find another costumed beauty Molly. The first ten minutes of the story are getting to know what an angry character Carl is and learn some background. After going to Molly's apartment, Carl and Molly decide not to take off their costume or reveal who they really are, and they have violent sex to get the rage out. From there I'd just be giving away spoilers, but even though it sounds pretty mild, it's good sets and interesting costumes make it a good episode.

My rating: *** out of ****. 27 mins. Contains sexuality, nudity, profanity and violence.
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